
104.What is the difference for the CSM01 and CSM02 coffee valve install machine ?

We often met the questions from our clients about the Color Suns one way valve & valve applicator machine, most client will choose the one way valve applicator machine from Color Suns CSM01 or CSM02.
And the most question we will meet : what is the difference for the CSM01 and CSM02 from Color Suns one way valve .
Now, we will explain with you what is the difference with Color Suns one way coffee valve applicator machine :

1.The biggest difference for the two items of valve applicator machine, of course they are the clients’ most careful question : Price. Yes, two items of Color Suns valve applicator machine of course the price are different.
2.The bigger difference for the two machine, we will tell you that should be : Speed. The CSM02 with the vibration plate, it can transmit the coffee valve automatic; the CSM01 is manual valve machine which you must put the coffee valve on the valve applicator machine by hands. So the bigger difference for two items of coffee valve applicator machine is the speed of installing coffee valves.
3.The big difference for the two machine, it will be Operation. CSM01 you must put the valves and bags on the machine by hands, and step on the foot switch to install the coffee valves into the coffee bags . CSM02 you only put the bags on the machine and step on the foot switch to install the coffee valves, the CSM02 with a robotic arm to push the valve from the vibration plate to the valve install station.
If you still can not understand what is the difference for two items of one way valve applicator machine, you can watch below video to know what is the difference:
If you also have questions about the one way valve or valve applicator machine, you can ask with our professional team:
You can get the detail information for the CS01 one way valve with filter for powder products from this link: http://www.colorsuns.com/products/coffeevalve/coffeevalve-cs01/
CS02 one way coffee valve for coffee bean: http://www.colorsuns.com/products/coffeevalve/coffeevalvecs02/


101.Why CSM02 Semi-Automatic Valve Applicator Machine only run one size of degassing coffee valve?

While you are asking for the CSM02 Semi-Automatic valve applicator machine, Color Suns will introduce to you that, The CSM02 Semi-Automatic valve applicator machine, which electronic counter and vibration plate, it can transmit the one way degassing coffee valve automatic.
But most of our clients can not understand what is the vibration plate. The vibration plate can transmit the coffee valve into the  valve applicator machine automatic, it is hand-made job, so the vibration plate is adjusting by the technology team many times to make sure it can run and transmit the coffee valve / one way valve automatic.
But most of our clients aren’t understand , why the vibration plate only can run one size of one way valve.
We often told with our clients, the CSM02 only can run one size of one way valve because it have the vibration plate.
1.This vibration plate had the track to run from the chassis to the top of the vibration plate.
2.This vibration plate is connected with the valve applicator machine, it had a track to transmit the one way valve from the vibration plate to the valve installed station.
All of this track, only can hand-made, and the technology team must adjust the one way valve to run all the tracks many time while they are producing the vibration plate. If your size of valves are larger or smaller than Color Suns valves, they can not run on the vibration plate, they also can not install by the valve applicator machine. The width, the thickness of the tracks are special produced by Color Suns technology team

But if you still want Color Suns valve applicator machine can run your own one way valve, you can refer our CSM01 manual valve applicator machine.
Do you want to know more information about valves and machines :
You can get the technology data about Color Suns one way valve & valve applicator machine ‘s CSM02 – Semi-Automatic valve applicator machine from below link: https://colorsuns.com/products/semi-automatic-coffee-valve-applicator-machine/semi-automatic-valve-applicator-machine-csm02/
If you also have questions about the one way valve, you can ask our professional team:
You can get the detail information for the CS01 one way valve with filter for powder products from this link: http://www.colorsuns.com/products/coffeevalve/coffeevalve-cs01/
CS02 one way coffee valve for coffee bean: http://www.colorsuns.com/products/coffeevalve/coffeevalvecs02/