
Coffee and the Coffee Valve

Maybe you don't know the coffee valve.Maybe you will ask what is the coffee valve?What is the function of the coffee valve.
Don't worry.You can take a min to read my blog to know more about the coffee valve.
The coffee valve,also you can called it one-way degassing valve,air valve.
This coffee valve is used on the coffee bags.
The function of the coffee valve:
1.Release the CO2.
2.Protect the 02 into the coffee bags.
3.Keep your coffee fresh.

All the roaster know that the coffee bean and the coffee powder will release co2 after roasting.
When you roast coffee in small batches and then pack it the following morning, you use valved packs. It is because the coffee is so fresh it will keep on de-gassing. Packets would explode without a valve. Mass-produced coffee may not need a valve as it has been standing around the factory in between roasting, grinding and then (the enemy of coffee freshnesss) held in a hopper of a form-fill-and-seal machine. National and international low-grade brands of coffee for the mass market may not need a valve. Speciality coffee (i.e. coffee from one specific estate or farm) needs valve packs.

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